4 Reasons Why You Should Increase Your Visual Content Creation


The famous adage “A picture is worth a thousand words”– meaning that a complex idea can be more easily conveyed in an image – can be easily extended to all types of visual content.

Science shows that a visual representation of an idea makes it possible to absorb (and remember) a large amount of data quickly. And if this visual representation is colorful, entertaining and with some extra oomph (like video, audio, music, unexpected stories, etc.) – in other words, CREATIVE – it becomes memorable, worth remembering.

This is the psychological reason why you should invest in visual content creation for your website, blog and your pages on social media networks.

Let’s now examine some of the marketing reasons why visual content is key for the success of your business.

1. It builds your personal brand identity

Let’s learn from big, famous brands like Tiffany for example. If you visit their Facebook page you will see the great job they’ve done to build their brand identity. All posts include an image. Furthermore, see how wisely they have linked the concept of “true love” to their brand and how this integration is highlighted by the use of pictures.



 2. It builds engagement

Statistics shows that fans’ engagement goes up consistently when visual content is posted regularly.

Look at what H&M are doing on their Facebook page to increase their fans’ engangement:

They proactively asked their fans to engage with the pictures they post and look at the results!

3. It says more than a thousand words

With the information overload we are exposed to on the Internet every day, marketers need to package their information so that it catches readers’ attention in just a few seconds. Infographics, charts, cartoons are a way to condense in an image large amounts of data that would otherwise require pages and pages to be presented and explained.

Look at how creatively and clearly http://webdesignledger.com explain the “Search Benefits of the Blogosphere”

4. It increases referrals and purchases

A new study by the online tool Shareaholic  shows “(…) that Pinterest outpaced Google Plus, LinkedIn and YouTube combined for share of referral traffic” and a survey of people with Pinterest accounts showed that 21% have purchased an item after seeing it on Pinterest.

Furthermore, creating visual content for your website and social networks is fun, stimulates your creativity and pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and experiment.

Are you already investing in visual content creation?

If yes, leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite type of visual content is.

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To your prosperous journey

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