Masterclass 1 – Introduction to energy
Duis a felis ac libero vulputate ultricies in quis ligula. Proin ut facilisis leo, a luctus nulla.
01. Masterclass 1 – Introduction to energy
02. Masterclass 1 – Audio
03. Masterclass 1 – Meditation
04. Masterclass 1 – Slides
Suggested Reading :
The Wisdom Codes by Gregg Braden
Mind to Matter by Dawson Church
The Energy of Words by Michelle Arbeau
Masterclass 2 – As Whitin So Without
Duis a felis ac libero vulputate ultricies in quis ligula. Proin ut facilisis leo, a luctus nulla.
01. Masterclass 2 – As Within So Without – Video
02. Masterclass 2 – Audio
03. Masterclass 2 – Meditation
04. Masterclass 2 – Slides
Suggested Reading :
The Wisdom Codes by Gregg Braden
Mind to Matter by Dawson Church
The Energy of Words by Michelle Arbeau
Our vision
Praesent varius, dolor eu viverra facilisis, nisi sapien sodales nibh, quis lacinia lorem libero ac magna. Integer feugiat ipsum in purus interdum, hendrerit scelerisque mauris porttitor. Mauris semper tortor vel tellus condimentum suscipit. Aliquam placerat fermentum turpis, mollis faucibus nisl consequat at.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed nec ornare nulla. Donec laoreet, ligula vitae vehicula tempor, libero magna bibendum lacus, aliquam ullamcorper urna sem sit amet est. Nulla lobortis tempus lacus, vel lobortis tortor hendrerit egestas.
Animal Reiki Sessions
with Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Master Teacher, Paola Devescovi
Being highly sensitive to energy and intuitive, Reiki has become Paola’s main spiritual and healing modality that she has always used with her pets and that she now offers professionally to dog training centers, veterinaries and pet owners.
Ancien japanese …
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy healing that provides a safe and natural way to improve the health, wellbeing and happiness of our animal friends by harnessing the body’s innate energetic ability to heal and rebalance.
Animals are very aware of the energy forces acting around us and and are very sensitive to changes on an energetic level and can very easily sympathetically take on and reflect the problems of the humans around them. Consequently, beside the physical problems and injuries they can face, our pets may experience, emotional behavioural and mental issues. Undoubtedly, they can benefits enormously from the relaxing and healing benefits of Reiki treatment.
How we connect
Reiki treatment for pets is given in person where the dog lives or remotely, through Skype, Zoom or other video meeting platform.
In a distance Animal Reiki session, Paola will connect to the energy of the pet as well as to the Universal Life Force energy to attain balance and harmony for your pet’s whole being (body, emotions and spirit), thus reducing stress and promoting wellbeing. Using her intuition and spiritual guidance, Paola may integrate the Reiki session with crystals and other energy healing modalities.
Distance Reiki works amazingly, through both time and space. Come to the session with your pet and with an open mind, enjoy and trust the experience.
Meet Paola
Hi, I’m Paola Devescovi, multi passionate Internet entrepreneur, Certified Transformational and Prosperity Coach, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher, Breath Yoga Coach. I’m also a student of life, people, success, business, money, synchronicity, the ultimate nature of our reality, manifestation and intuition, energy and the mind.
Everything I have learned – and continue to learn – is part of my very unconventional and metaphysical approach to coaching and teaching Reiki and energy medicine and psychology techniques that I combine with science, mind-body techniques, strategy and ancient wisdom and traditions to help my clients achieve often miraculous results. What I teach is the result of my personal experience and are the same principles and approach that I apply in my life.
To know more about me visit: