Falling Back Does Not Mean Failure


Here I am, back on my prosperity journey! I hadn’t really abandoned it, though. I have been still pursuing my life adventure, but on a side winding path: I have been working on several projects and, at the same time, I needed to take some time to look within myself.
At one point I realized I had been wandering here and there and I had lost sight of what had motivated me to set up “Project Prosperity”, of the “why” of my choice.
Was this motivation still the same? Had it changed? Because…you know what? I felt as though all the personal and professional progress I had made over the past year had disappeared and I was back to square 1, despite my achievements.


(Image source: projectprettyandfab.info)

My first reaction at this eye-opening consideration was…..DESPERATION! I felt that despite my positive attitude about life, my strong willingness to attract prosperity into my life, despite being passionate about my business, I was feeling exactly the same as when I started my business two years ago. Why was that? What went wrong?
So I decided to take some time to look at this very seriously. I tried to listen to my heart (not always easy though: my heart was very confused too or, in any case, I was getting very confused messages) and finally I got the answers I was looking for:
1.    I had gone back to operating in “struggling mode”;
2.    I had lost sight of my uniqueness and passion and, as a result, my communication style and creativity had lost personality.
I realized I had fallen back into old thought patterns that were preventing me from moving forward on my journey and from infusing my work with passion and creativity.
What I am really proud of is that I definitely refused to see that as a failure. It was  a great opportunity for me  to take stock of what I had accomplished up to that moment and how the choices I had made that had taken me there.
It is now clear that my motivation is still there. What has changed is what I plan to do to accomplish my goals.
And what about you? Have you ever fallen back? And how did you take it?

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To your prosperous eye-opening moments


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8 thoughts on “Falling Back Does Not Mean Failure”

  1. I do agree you in a way that you dealing with the face of life, We really need to become strong enough and have a determination in order to compete on the flows of life.

  2. This is really very inspirational and I think most people should be aware with this information…It can motivate more people actually…

  3. I agree with this…Sometimes, we think we failed but we have to remember that we should think positively…Every failure is a new beginning….

  4. Hey Paola,

    Most of us go through similar situations in life, I think but its great if we can own up to mistakes that we’ve been making and do the needful to correct them, at least attempt to do that. And yes failures are not really failures, if we can take a lesson or two out of them and move ahead with more energy and positivity than before. I’m glad your spirits are high again, am sure you’ll make it big. Cheers 🙂

    • Thank you for your comment Sarah. Life is a journey along which we learn about ourselves. Learning often requires making mistakes so that you can understand the lesson you’re learning. We often focus on the mistake though and neglect the lesson. I wish you a prosperous journey!


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