Launching My Book: A Dream Come True


50-.comCoverWriting a book has always been a dream I cherished since I was a little child. And finally, after a few years  😆 I finally have my first book published.

I thought I would write a novel – maybe I will one day – but I felt I had to write something very practical and inspiring for many other women and men who want – or are forced – to reinvent themselves and feel they cannot do it.

I reinvented myself and set up my business when I was turning 50 with no previous business experience (I had been a free-lance conference interpreter for the previous 25 years of my life). I did not know where to start from and had to deal with an online “crowded” world where thousands of so-called “gurus” and experts were shouting to offer their magical solution that would enable anybody to set up any successful and profitable online business with no previous experience in a matter of hours. Moreover, there was also the psychological side to consider: why would my clients choose me, an older woman, when there are so many talented younger entrepreneurs out there? Would I be able, at my age, to acquire new technical skills, learn how to master computers and tools to compete in this online world?

This is my major “WHY” for writing this book: I want to empower other 50+ women  and men  and help them build their own business tapping into the enormous opportunities offered by the Internet in a very EASY, practical and -where possible – step by step manner.

But there is also another important “WHY”: you can do whatever you want, if you really want it and by taking the necessary actions. The limits exist only in our mind …. at any age.  And as I say in the video on the home page of this website, if I did it, you can do it too!

Learn more about my book by clicking here.

Many people come here every week for inspiration and advice, so I encourage you share your thoughts. Your experience and insights may inspire and trigger a meaningful change for someone else.

Thank you for reading, whatching and sharing

To your success and prosperity




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