Let’s Boost Creativity By Pampering The Brain



Our brain is our thought generator, transformer, and transmitter. It’s a complex and delicate machine whose functioning affects the quality of our thoughts.

We all know the brain is divided into two highly specialized hemispheres, each one dealing with specific skills and thought categories. The left hemisphere, for example, is in charge of the logic and analytic reasoning, mathematical calculation and language. The right hemisphere is intuitive and uses images, shapes and colors.

To be really creative, we should synchronize the two hemispheres and use them simultaneously. There are simple exercises that stimulate the simultaneous involvement of the brain hemispheres. However these will be the topic of my next post.

The functioning of the brain is affected by many environmental and physiological factors. Let’s explore some of them and pamper our brain by giving it the things it likes:

  1. Light– Our vital rhythms are regulated by the alternating pattern of daily light and darkness and the regulator of this mechanism, the pituitary gland, is in our brain. You can stimulate this alternate pattern with the following:

–          Take a walk outdoors with every weather conditions;

–          Choose a natural lighting for your office using bulbs that simulate natural light.

2.  Colors – Color should be one of the first needs in our life. If you are feeling depressed, maybe you are surrounding yourself with the wrong colors. When color enlivens your environment, depression disappears. Color has an effect on you in the decoration of your home, in the things you use every day: the color of your car, of your pen, of your suit or dress. If you want money and abundance, you should consider emerald green. Green is very good for your eyesight. To sharpen your mind, yellow: it is invigorating and sharpens nerves and brain. Blood red is often used for healing (scarlet seems to be particularly helpful if you suffer from lumbago or rheumatism). If you suffer from sleeplessness, you should sleep in a blue room. Turquoise blue is most helpful if you suffer from headaches.

You should have plenty of color in your diet. The more colorful the food, the more nourishing it is. Include red tomatoes, yellow melons and grapefruit, green and red apples, blue grapes, red cherries, and so on, in your meals, paying particular attention to what you include in your breakfast: the colors you begin your day with will determine the prosperity and the pleasure you will get out of it. So begin your day with plenty of color.

3. Food – I have already pointed out the importance of a colorful diet. However, other properties of the food are important for your brain: your diet should include abundant antioxidant-rich food that repair damage caused by free radicals to the brain tissue, such as fresh vegetables and whole grain cereals. The main nutrients for the brain are oxygen and glucose. The former is provided by breathing that never stops; the latter comes from food or from glycogen reserves in the liver. It is during the day that the brain mostly needs energy (glucose). So a rich breakfast and lunch with carbohydrates and light snacks mid morning and afternoon and a very light dinner are strongly recommended. When you are really working hard with many commitments, specific supplements, such as vitamins, soy lecithin, royal jelly, and minerals may be very helpful.

4. Perfumes – Aromatherapy acts on the brain and mood through the sense of smell. There are essential oils that favor relaxation, concentration, or good mood.

–          For relaxing: melissa officinalis, chamomile, sweet marjoram

–          For concentration: basil, petit-grain, rosemary

–          For your good mood: neroli, rose, ylang ylang

Use these oils in oil burners, in your bath, on your pillow to improve the quality of your thoughts.

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To your creative prosperity

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