I love reading. I love learning something new every day. And I love to share with you the books and other resources that I have chosen for myself. This is why I decided to set up the Project Prosperity Store. It’s been here for a while (the link is on the right) but I never actually promoted it.
I’m an avid reader and I read regularly, one or two books a month. So I’ve decided to add a new category to my blog, Book Review, with the books I’ve selected for myself.
This month I have chosen two books:
I strongly recommend this book to all women. Speaking with friends and other women, I realize that so many of us have real “financial blocks” that prevent us from having, or enjoying, a truly financially prosperous life. Suze Orman unveils these blocks and offers women important advice. By the way, in the shop there is also the Kindle version of the book.
I discovered the second book while I was searching for new books to add to my shop. Its author, Robert White, shows that, with passion and a clear vision, every person, every determined person can achieve his/her life goals. Robert White’s book is no theory or dogma; it is an approach to successful (and I would add, prosperous) living that seems to work.
Have you already read these books? If yes, leave your comments below and let me know your thoughts about them. If you have read other books that you would like to share, please let me know!
To a prosperous reading experience
Hi there thanks for the review, I just love the women and money it is the reality that we sometimes girls forget ourselves because of our financial status we always make this as an excuse.
Thank you for your comment Kristina. Money needs to be cared for: if you don’t take care of your money, money will easily go away. The more you treat money seriously, the more of it you will attract into your life!
I have not read the books. They seem to be targeting women mostly but I would recommend them to the women around me. It is very thoughtful of you to give information that will help empower women.
I don’t know if you had a look at the Project Prosperity store on Amazon.com. The link is on the right side bar on my blog: their you will find a selection of books on self-development and internet marketing. The book by Robert White is for everybody and is really very interesting. Keep coming on my blog: you will soon find new suggested reading.
I love to learn a lot too. I’m always get excited to learn new things specially things that can help me with earning some practical income. Thanks for sharing this information I really love it.
Thank you for stopping by and for your comment Evelyn. These are really great books. They helped me understand that we have a relationship with money too and, as we all relationships, we have to nourish this relationship if we want it to be a healthy one. If this is a topic you are interested in, you will probably be interested in a webinar on this subject I am currently working on. So, email me (you find my email con the Contact page) if you would like to take part in the webinar. To your prosperity. Paola
Thanks for sharing this information I really love it.Me too i like learning a lot of things..
Thanks Pamie for stopping by. Learning new things and new ways of doing the same things also helps us stimulate our creativity that, I believe, is something we should cultivate more in our lives.
I love to read and I love learning new things, I haven’t read this book but it’s sounds interesting. Love to read woman empowering. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your comment. Learning new things is so empowering!
Thanks for sharing all inspiring information her..For me learning new thing is really good for me..
Thank you Catherine. I’m really happy you found this information useful. I see you’re in couseling and I’m sure these books I suggest may be really precious for your clients too. I believe that we never stop learning in our life: life itself is a learning journey and the beautiful thing about it is that it is a never-ending process. We always have things we can learn from each other and from the experieces we are exposed to. I wish you a wonderful and prosperous journey.
thanks for the review, i love reading too and i would love to grab a copy of this book.
Thank you for your comment Ethel. You can get a copy from my site by clicking on the book image or from any bookstore or from Amazon.com directly. Both books are really empowering and I really recommend reading them.
Great job i like it very much. I love to read and I love learning new things, I haven’t read this book but it’s sounds interesting. Thanks for the sharing.
Thank for stopping by. Keep coming because I’m preparing some new book review!
I love to read and learn reading book review..Thanks for sharing this to us..
Thank you for your comment Cynthia. I will soon publish my new suggested reading, so come back soon!