Rediscovering Yourself – Interview With Adele Pandolfi


This week I’m very honoured to publish this interview with one of the Italian actresses I love most: Adele Pandolfi.

She has worked with very famous Italian directors: Luca de Filippo, Armando Pugliese, Nello Mascia, Maurizio Scaparro, Roberto De Simone, Mario Scarpetta, Francesco Silvestri, Vincenzo Salemme, Nando Paone,in classic and contemporary stage plays and musical comedies.

She has also participated in radio and TV programs produced by RAI, the Italian public service broadcaster.

For five years she has had a leading role in famous soap operas and tv series.

Her filmography includes Federico Fellini‘s Ginger and Fred movie.

Film director Antonietta De Lillo has based her screenplay for a new film on Adele’s book “Morta di soap” (killed by soap operas).

She is also in the organizing committee “A corto di donne”, an international women’s short film festival, this year taking place in Pozzuoli (Naples), Italy, from 10 to 13 April 2014, at the “Terme Stufe di Nerone” and at the Palazzo Toledo Public Library


A successful actress who values her family more than anything else and who has sacrificed her career for it. A woman who has always lived her life fully and has never given up and who is now ready to reinvent herself, no matter what.

Thank you Adele for sharing your story with us.

Have you ever found yourself forced to give up something you were passionate about and start from scatch?

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To your prosperous life and professional journey


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